The year 2012 is going to be a big one for me, so I've decided to blog about it. How so, you ask? Well, I plan on losing about 30 pounds. I will be adopting two cats for the first time in my life. Oh, and I'm getting married. It's really the cats I'm excited about, though.
All kidding aside, I thought having a blog to document this year, and perhaps the years to come, would serve as a great piece of nostalgia later down the road when the cats are old and my marriage is settling comfortably into itself. Apparently I have a knack for run-on sentences, so anyone crazy enough to read this will have to deal with my blatant disregard for the English language.
I think stating my goals for this blog would be a good thing. I don't really know what those goals are, though. I'd like to talk about some wedding stuff. Advice is gladly welcome, on the grounds that I may ignore anything that I don't like or sounds too hard. I'd also like to document how the weight loss is going. I find that when I hold myself accountable to a high power, I tend to get things done. So interwebs, you will be my higher power. Oh, aren't you lucky? And lastly I'd like to post tons of pictures of the cats. You're welcome in advance.
Do I start with a little bit about myself? Who's really reading this, anyway? Well, for starters I'm a girl. Female. Woman. Chick. Whatever floats your boat. I like being a woman. I'm pretty proud to be a woman, considering there weren't too many other options and I didn't really have a choice in the matter. That said, I get angry as a woman and that will most likely come out from time to time. And no, that won't mean that it's "that time of the month".
I'm 25, I live in upstate NY, but have a lot of roots downstate. I came up here for college and never left, which seems to be the same story you hear a lot around these parts. It's not like I always dreamed of living in the paradise that is the Capital Region of NY, but it's not terrible. I met my fiance up here about 2 years ago, so I really have to believe that everything happens for a reason.
I chose the name "The Hungry Nerd" for this blog because at the moment I am incredibly hungry for dinner, but I'm waiting for my fiance to come home from work to make a decision as to what healthy choice we'll be making tonight. We both started dieting at the first of the year to be healthy, but mostly to look smoking hot for the wedding in September. The "nerd" part comes from the fact that I have been a self-acclaimed nerd since I was in high school and I'm pretty proud of that fact. Chances are that there will be times on this blog that I go all fangirl over some obsession or other that is so not considered cool. I'll try to make these raving posts sound intelligent, but they will most likely come out as jumbles of crazy rants and punctuations.
There will be times when this blog will most likely serve as a venting place, a soapbox, a temple of worship to the gods of fandom, an event planner, and services yet to be discovered. I'd really like to keep it up and at the very least, post at least once a week for the next year. That's my short term goal. After that, we'll see where this goes.
Happy reading, you brave, brave souls.