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Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm Getting Too Old For This S**t

And again I have been remiss in updating this lovely blog. I've been reading lots of other blogs and thinking, "Oooo, I like that. I should blog about that." And then I don't. Just pure laziness on my part.

Let's see. Since last I updated, Mike and I went to visit our friends Meg and Andrew in New Hampshire, along with some of my other college buddies. What I discovered while out there is that I am old. As in Danny Glover, too old for this shit, old. By 11pm I was ready for sleep, and everybody else was ready to start a game of Kings. Now, I'll admit, I've never been a huge party person, but I can remember the days when I would leave to go out at 10:30 or 11 and stay out until 3 or 4 in the morning and be up in time for breakfast at dining hall. Now I'm lucky if I can stay awake past 11 and I'm still exhausted when the alarm goes off in the morning.

Recently Mike and I were listening to the LMFAO album and I said to Mike, "This is a great CD to listen to when you're getting ready to go out." To add insult to recent injury, Mike says to me in response, "Yeah, but we never go out anywhere, so what does it matter?" Burn. Just burn.

On another, slightly unrelated note, Mike and I bought a new car. Like a brand new car. And it's really my car, because it's a stick shift and Mike can't drive stick shift...yet. Here she is:
At first I hated the color. It's called Alien. We test drove her to the dealership's back lot to see the other colors, and the more I drove her, the more I began to like the color. And when I saw the other Souls in their nondescript colors, I began to love her color. And that's how I ended up buying an alien green car. And did I mention that she has a stick shift? Because I am so glad to have a car again with a stick shift.

Fresh on the heels of the car purchase, I made another big-ish purchase. To get into this, I need to rewind slightly. Mike and I were talking about the car and such and I mentioned that the car had a great safety rating and that in about 5 years, when we have kids, this will be something we'll be glad we thought about. And Mike holds up two fingers and says, "Two years." To which my stomach responded with a shocked clench. And what ensued was a bizarre negotiating, much like one would barter to price of deli meats. I threw out a 4.5 years and Mike threw a 2.5 years back at me. And back and forth it went until I think we settled on 3.25...years that is, until we have kids.

So this got me worried. There's so much I want to do before I have children. I want to travel some more and make some crazy childless decisions before my world becomes focused on raising another person. And one of the things I've wanted to do for a really long time is to learn how to play the guitar. So I bought one. And now I'm watching youtube videos to learn how to play it. In the 4 days since I bought it I've already learned 4 chords and I'm concentrating on making those 4 chords sound like an actual song. And that's how we bought a car and a guitar in one weekend.

So dear readers, I leave you with another question: Do you have a bucket list of sorts? I know Kristin does, and she is very good about keeping hers updated. Is it a lifelong bucket list or a list of things to do before something? Like before you're 30 or before you have a baby or before your knees get too arthritic? Have you accomplished anything on the list? Let me know!


  1. here is number 1 on your bucket, before children....because I am not quite ready to be a grandmother...PHARMACY SCHOOL!! Because then Mike can stay home and watch the kids and you and I can travel together...I know, I know that is really selfish, but I am not quite done seeing Europe with my best friend and speaking of which, Debbie, Becca and I are planning a Disney trip in October and it won't be the same without you!! Oh..but you were asking about our own personal bucket lists...hmmm...PHARMACY school for my daughter; going back to Italy; the Caribbean again; Disney before I'm 60...guess I did that one already several times; parasailing...which I also did; and lots of time to enjoy sunbathing in exotic places and also seeing and taking care of my grandkids and taking them to Disney with or without their parents...without would be more fun, so I can spoil them with all the junk their parents (that would be Shelby and Mike) won't let them have or do!!

  2. First- Welcome for the '"I'm to old for this shit!" Club!' Shylah and I joined that club a long time ago and are glad we have some old farts to complain about youths, loud music, and staying out late with.

    Second- I'm proud of you for getting a new car and picking up the guitar! It's always admirable when people begin new things.

    Third- As for a 'Bucket List', I guess you could say I don't really have one. I have more of a Wish List. As you know I've started animating school. In hindsight, this should have happened the Fall after I graduated High School. But, if it did, I wouldn't have met all the people I know and love today. So that is one of my newest goals. To finish school in June of 2013 and begin a career in the field. In the meantime, we (Shylah and I) want an apartment of our own away from campus, away from students. But that can't happen, though, until I find a better paying job (which has proven very difficult in this economy and my limited skills). And once we have our own place, then we'd like to begin a family, regardless if I am done with school. I will continue my education as well as be a full time dad (if they happen concurrently). And after that, life will be good. So my list would read, School, Good Job, Apartment, Baby, Graduate School, Better Job, Lots of Aunt Shelby and Uncle Mike parties, and lots trips to Disney World.

    Thanks for updating, it was an enjoyable read! <3
